Organic Backyard Gardening

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Last Updated on August 22, 2024

Top Gardening Statistics for 2024

Gardening has seen a significant resurgence in recent years, with more people turning to this hobby for relaxation, sustainability, and even food production. Here are some of the most compelling gardening statistics for 2024:

1. Popularity and Participation

  • 55% of American Households Garden: This translates to around 71.5 million households and over 185 million people engaging in gardening activities1.

  • 18.3 Million New Gardeners: The COVID-19 pandemic spurred a gardening boom, creating 18.3 million new gardeners, most of whom are millennials2.

2. Demographics

  • Gender Distribution: Approximately 43.6% of gardeners are women, while 56.4% are men3.

  • Age and Ethnicity: The average age group for gardeners is 35-44 years. The most common ethnicity among gardeners is White (56.7%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (28.0%), Black or African American (7.8%), and others3.

3. Economic Impact

  • $48 Billion Spent Annually: American adults spend over $48 billion on lawn and gardening equipment each year2.

  • Average Monthly Spending: The average American household spends between $70 and $100 per month on gardening. This includes costs for plants, soil, fertilizer, and other gardening supplies 8

  • Average Garden Yield: The average U.S. garden produces $600 worth of food annually3.

4. Environmental Impact

  • Tree Planting: In 2022, there were 52,793,657 trees planted3.

  • Gardening and Sustainability: Gardening activities contribute significantly to environmental sustainability by promoting biodiversity.

5. Trends and Preferences

  • Most Popular Plants: Tomatoes are the most commonly grown vegetable, with 86% of home gardeners cultivating them3.

  • Houseplants: The Philodendron was the most popular houseplant in 20223.

  • Gardening Chores: The most hated garden chore in U.S. households is weeding3.

6. Gardening During the Pandemic

  • Increased Activity: 42% of gardeners spent more time gardening during the COVID-19 pandemic2.

  • Online Sales: Global online sales of gardening goods doubled during the pandemic2.

7. Average Garden Size

  • Average Garden Size: The average size of a U.S. garden is about 600 square feet4. This size is suitable for growing a variety of vegetables, herbs, and flowers, and can be easily managed by most homeowners.

8. Top Gardening Areas in the USA

  • California: Known for its diverse agriculture, California is ideal for growing a wide range of fruits and vegetables due to its Mediterranean climate5.

  • Florida: With its subtropical climate, Florida is perfect for growing citrus fruits like oranges and lemons6.

  • Texas: Texas offers a varied climate that supports everything from succulents to tropical plants6.

  • Alaska: Surprisingly, Alaska is known for growing giant vegetables due to its long summer days packed with sunshine5.

9. Top U.S. Cities for Community Gardens per 1,000 Residents in 2022

Community gardening has blossomed across the United States, transforming urban spaces into vibrant green oases where residents can grow their own food, connect with neighbors, and foster a sense of community. These gardens are more than just plots of land; they are vital gathering spaces that bring people together, promote sustainability, and enhance the quality of life in cities. As the popularity of community gardening continues to rise, certain cities have distinguished themselves by offering more gardens per capita, making green spaces accessible to urban dwellers.

  • Spokane, Washington: 4.8 gardens per 1,000 residents
  • Portland, Oregon: 4.1 gardens per 1,000 residents
  • St. Paul, Minnesota: 3.7 gardens per 1,000 residents
  • Washington, D.C.: 3.2 gardens per 1,000 residents
  • Madison, Wisconsin: 2.9 gardens per 1,000 residents
  • Orlando, Florida: 2.4 gardens per 1,000 residents

These community gardens serve as essential gathering places for neighbors and provide allotment spaces for individuals and families. 7

Gardening continues to be a beloved activity for many, offering both personal and environmental benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, these statistics highlight the growing importance and impact of gardening in our lives.

Plan My Garden Reports: Top 10 Crops Selected by Customers Requesting Custom Garden Plans

At Organic Backyard Gardening, we offer a one-of-a-kind service called Plan My Garden, designed to help gardeners create personalized garden plans tailored to their specific needs. Through our service, we’ve gathered unique insights into the top crops our customers are choosing to grow. Here are the top 10 crops selected by our users when requesting custom garden plans:

  1. Tomatoes: The top pick for their versatility and high yield, making them a staple in many gardens.
  2. Green Beans: Loved for their quick harvest time and ease of growth, perfect for beginners.
  3. Peppers (Bell and Hot): Popular for their wide variety and essential use in a multitude of cuisines.
  4. Cucumbers: Frequently selected for their space-saving growth and high productivity, ideal for pickling or fresh eating.
  5. Lettuce: Preferred for its ability to thrive in cooler weather and offer multiple harvests.
  6. Zucchini: Known for its prolific yield and low maintenance, making it a reliable choice for gardeners.
  7. Carrots: Chosen for their nutritional value, long storage life, and variety in color and size.
  8. Spinach: A favorite for its cool-weather growth and nutrient-dense leaves, with the bonus of multiple harvests.
  9. Peas: Selected for their sweet flavor, suitability for cool climates, and efficient use of space.
  10. Basil: An essential herb, prized for its culinary uses and beneficial companion planting properties.

These selections are based on real gardener preferences, showcasing the crops that thrive in diverse gardens. Explore our Plan My Garden service at Organic Backyard Gardening to create your custom garden plan and start growing your ideal garden today!

Conclusion: The Growing Importance of Gardening in 2024

As we look at the top gardening statistics for 2024, it’s clear that gardening is more than just a hobby—it’s a thriving movement that’s reshaping how we live and connect with nature. With over half of American households now engaged in gardening, this pastime has seen a resurgence driven by a desire for relaxation, sustainability, and homegrown food production. The demographics reveal a shift towards younger generations, particularly millennials, who are embracing gardening as a way to improve their quality of life.

Economically, gardening is a powerhouse, contributing billions of dollars annually to the economy through the purchase of plants, tools, and gardening supplies. Environmentally, gardening promotes biodiversity and sustainability, with millions of trees planted and countless gardens supporting local ecosystems. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated these trends, with a notable increase in gardening activities and a surge in online sales of gardening goods.

From the average garden size to the top gardening regions in the U.S., these statistics paint a picture of a nation deeply invested in the benefits of gardening. As community gardens continue to flourish, particularly in cities like Spokane and Portland, urban areas are transforming into green spaces that foster community ties and enhance environmental health.

Gardening’s growing popularity and its significant impact on both individuals and communities highlight its enduring value. Whether you’re cultivating a backyard vegetable plot or participating in a local community garden, the benefits of gardening are clear—and the trends suggest that its importance will only continue to grow in the years to come.


1 Bigger Garden | 2 Garden Pals | 3 Today’s Homeowner | 4 RubyHome | 5 Gardenia Organic

6 A Garden Diary | 7 Statistica | 8 Accessible Gardens

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